March 26, 2025

Easy Tips to Get an Exciting Internship in Photography

Easy Tips to Get an Exciting Internship in Photography

Learning photography is an art. There are many youngsters who are enthusiastic about photography. It is good that they look for the internship to learn from the professionals. Photography internships can allow you to work with first-rate photographers. Many are willing to give photographers with great potential the chance to witness firsthand the process of making a career out of photography.


Working at an internship can get you on the right track. Follow these 10 simple tips for finding and landing these internships successfully.


  1. Create a Perfect Physical Portfolio

Make sure you have a portfolio that really showcases your skills as a photographer. Printing out your images on glossy paper or any type of photography paper will show that you are serious. Employers at internships usually want to find people who have creativity within them. If you can showcase this to them, you will have a higher chance of getting hired.


Look books are a good idea, or even better if you spend the time to make a custom portfolio and look book geared toward who you are applying for, your chances essentially arise. It shows creativity and a strong desire for the internship.


  1. Digital Portfolio

Build your portfolio website. Products like Squarespace allow you to make super slick sites with no knowledge of web development and portfolio sites are relatively simple. You are just showcasing all your work.


Make sure you have social media accounts for your photography on all the major outlets; a Facebook page, Instagram, Tumblr, WordPress, and more. Make sure these are separate from your personal social accounts as it implies an air of professionalism when they have dedicated accounts for your photography.


Have these linked and featured on your portfolio site. This makes you look much larger than life.


  1. Keep an Online Press Kit Handy

Also on your portfolio site, you are going to want a page that is a one-page type press kit. Usually, new businesses and bands have press kits, but you’ll find them useful as well for landing work in this field. This is basically a kit with your logo, promotional materials, and anything that puts everything that the public or media needs to know about you or your business. In this case, it’s a unique little kit to showcase to employers who you are.


  1. Find Internships Online

You don’t need to go through classified ads or newspapers to find these opportunities. The Internet is filled with companies looking to hire you as an intern. There are sites that aggregate internships and they are a really good resource.


There are probably literally millions of websites and a local business out there that need product or branding photography. They may not be advertising an internship, but it doesn’t mean they wouldn’t be interested in an intern. They just don’t know it yet. That’s where you come in.


  1. Cover Letter

It is highly recommended to have a cover letter submitted for the internship. This letter should indicate reasons why you should be given the chance to be an intern. Don’t be afraid to give deep information about who you are and your previous experiences.


  1. References

Any kind of previous work involves working with employers. If you’re in good touch with any companies you have worked with, try asking for a letter of recommendation. If you have worked with a charity or have volunteered at your church, these are sources that can help add in that special effect that says you know what you’re doing as a photographer.


  1. Interview like you’re ready to learn

During the phone interview, you want to make sure that you are eager to learn from the best. Showcase your technical expertise and know-how; let them know what you’re capable of, but always show them that you’re eager to learn. This is what internships are all about in the end. It’s about employers giving new people like you the chance to learn the business and work from the bottom-up. Showing this eagerness and willingness to learn will increase your chances of employment.


  1. Face-to-face Interviews

Doing in-person interviews are very scary, and they require a different level of preparation as opposed to traditional phone interviews. It is highly recommended to wear professional clothing, speak with confidence, and just be the best version of you. They want to hire somebody with that natural extinct in this field, so showcase your abilities throughout the interview.


Consider applying for an internship that interests you. There are times when an internship may involve photographing people or things you aren’t interested in. Find out what the job will entail, and you will be able to see the job description if it is of any interest to you.


The tips above should help get you on the right track to landing an internship in the photography field. The key is to make sure that you present yourself as a professional photographer who is ready to learn about the business.

We are from Fashion Photographers Mumbai. If you want to make a great portfolio to get a kick start in Fashion Industry then do contact us.