March 26, 2025
Fashion photography in mumbai

Fashion portfolio – Minimum Photos

Fashion photography in mumbai
Fashion world is a really competitive and dynamic industry. It is ever evolving and to keep up with that is a necessity for aspiring models. With no dearth of models trying to kick start their career, it becomes all the more difficult to make a mark. So, to present oneself, a model needs to have an appealing portfolio which makes them stand out in a crowd. The portfolio must translate your strengths, your suitability for varied jobs i.e. your versatility. But what is the right kind of mix of photos required in a portfolio? What do agencies look for in a portfolio? How many photos are too many or too few? We’ll try and answer these questions and better understand the role of a portfolio for a model.Well, when people go for a job interview, they carry their resume with them. Portfolio plays the same role for models. It presents your personality on the whole in front of the interviewer. It lets them see who you are without having to indulge in a conversation. More importantly conversations might be called as a secondary requirement before signing a model as getting to see the suitability of the model in different scenarios plays a greater role for them. It’s all about visual appeal. A person might have a pleasing personality but may or may not be suitable for a particular role or a particular agency. For instance, a male model having cute looks and lean shape might not be suitable for an energy drink commercial. So, the portfolio matters a lot. Let’s look at the essential ingredients of a portfolio,

  1. Close to reality – having an attractive portfolio doesn’t mean having edited photos with extravagant features. It should look real. It should portray you as a person, and show who you are actually. Covering that up with effects, editing and an overdose of makeup doesn’t do justice to your portfolio. In fact it kind of puts off the agency or the person responsible for signing you. You should keep a basic portfolio, a simple collection of your varied looks. It should enhance your strengths, features but not overdo any of these things so as to give a fake impression.
  2. Interact with the photographer – it’s really important to strike a chord with the photographer as it is essential that you two (the model and the photographer) reach a common point regarding the portfolio shoot. You should reach a common point regarding the different looks that might give out the best features, you should have a conversation about the kind of photos you want. Ask the photographer about any advice. It should be a two way road so that both of you can share experiences and have a better outcome. You should be friendly in asking about some suggestions, like if the look is good, if the photos are looking good or not and be candid while the portfolio shoot is going on. It helps to build a strong, attractive portfolio which is highly recommended.
  3. Variations – experiment with looks that go well with your personality. This should be done in consultation with the photographer. Your portfolio must have variations regarding the difference in looks, characters, styles etc. Make sure you have a lot of smiling shots as it is mandatory to have a pleasing personality and more importantly portraying such a personality in your photos is really necessary. Your natural smile, expressive attitude goes well with most of the ad campaigns, commercials, movies etc.
  4. Age range – this is an important aspect of your portfolio. Your images should be able to showcase the range of looks from different age groups like if you are able to pull off a college student look, or a middle aged man or you go well with an office going person’s image. With this showcasing a range of expressions is also advised for the same reasons. A wide range of expressions and age looks guarantee more job prospects. It always gets you ahead in the game as you’ll be getting a lot of calls regarding different looks that you have portrayed in your portfolio. Ultimately it pays off to show confidence in every look that you do. Your confidence shines brighter and gives out a positive image and the idea of you being a good person goes a long way in your career.
  5. The right number – it’s not of any use if you have 20-30 photos in your portfolio having the same expression. A change of clothes or backgrounds doesn’t give variety to the portfolio. What gives it worth is the different significant expressions they you have portrayed in the images. So, even 5-10 good quality shots of your best looks and styles or whatever you feel looks best on you is more than enough for the agency to figure out the talent in you. You’ll immediately grab their attention with such an efficient portfolio. An eclectic mix of your images is going to have you the required push in the right direction.


Thus, the heart and soul of a portfolio is your versatility. Without it, it’s nothing but a mere collection of random photos which might not find their way through the channels of a media or modeling agency. To give your portfolio a breath of air, it is mandatory that you focus on your strengths and versatility and make sure that your portfolio gives you a good headstart for your career. Even less is more with the right ingredients and more importantly the right quantity of these ingredients and ultimately at the backdrop lies the right quality. So, 5-10 shots of your best looks is enough if you go by all the things mentioned above. You need to understand that having that oomph factor is not a day’s task. You need to make efforts in the right direction. You need to sweat it out (literally also) to be the best version of you. The right attitude, personality, features all have their roles in the modeling arena. Although, having that visual appeal is in your hands, you can groom it your way or let it wither away in negligence.


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