October 22, 2024
fashion photographers in mumbai

How To Become A Fashion Photographer?

Fashion Photographers are the people who are responsible for capturing fashionable clothing and other fashion items. Fashion photography is mostly used for advertising or by fashion magazines such as Vogue, Vanity Fair, or Elle. Looking at the successful and top fashion photographers like Daboo Ratnani,  many youngsters who have the passion for photography want to become a fashion photographer.

In order to achieve your dream, two things you need in your life are focus and practice. You can easily balance this, if you are really passionate about your dream. To become a fashion photographer is not an easy job as it seems but it is not impossible even. If you earn the right skills, become versed at it and showcase and you those in right manner, you would become unstoppable.

Need a little guidance there? Don’t worry, we are here to help you. With this article, we will guide you through few tips which you can use to achieve your dream.

Let us together make your dream come true

Follow Your Passion

If you really want to become a fashion photographer then and only then choose it as your career. Because whatever dream you have to achieve, the passion within you is going to make it come true. There are few people in the industry who have worked in the corporate field for years and left their good earning job just for passion. So, it is very important that you have that passion to achieve your dreams. There will come a time when people will discourage you and say don’t leave this job, it is a big opportunity not everyone gets all this, etc. But, what we suggest is that you should always try and do what you feel from inside. Because that is what is going to keep you going for a long run.

Earn It Don’t Ask For It

Nowadays, the world is full of competition. There are thousands of people who are willing to become a fashion photographer out there. Nobody is going to pick you because you are passionate and confident because anyone can say there are passionate when they actually are not. Your passion will help you achieve your dream but your hard work will help you get your first break. Be ready with a good portfolio of your pictures and keep updating your work as per the fashion industry. Let your work speak for you.

Don’t Follow The Trends, Make One

Why follow trends, when you can create one yourself? That does not mean you should have no knowledge about trends, it is good to be aware of the current trends in the fashion industry. You can make use of the current fashion trends in your shoot and create something unique. Every industry and the people associated with it are quickly affected by the new trend. You might be an exceptional photographer but if you are not updated with the current fashion and style, then there are chances that you might get lost on the path you have chosen. Make your work stand out, show the competitive world that you are always one step ahead of them with your own created trend.

Stop Comparing

The only competition of yours is ‘you’. You have no idea where the other people stand. And if you think they are better than you then let us tell you that they have put in hours to reach there. They have always been committed towards their work and have put in efforts in the things that are necessary. Instead of going through pictures of other photographers, just go through your work and see what is stopping you from being at their position. Learning and practicing are going to take you on top and comparing with others is just going to hold you back. Decide what you want for yourself.

Be Active on Social Media

The world is becoming a digital platform, nowadays, every human being right from kids to old people everybody is active on the social media platforms. And in all this while if you are not very active on the social media then you are losing a lot of information and even a lot of publicity. The social media can get you the recognition that no human can help you get. If your work goes viral on social platforms like Facebook or Twitter, you are just right there on the top. The social media platforms help you market yourself in a very less time so, be active and be social.

Work with the Best

Quality matters always and in every field. Try to get in contact and work with a team of best makeup and hair artists, top modelling agencies, well-known fashion stylist, etc in the country. This may not financial reward you but, it will always help you build a good network and even a better portfolio. And within just a few years of working hard with the best can get you on the top. Always try to work with the best people in the industry for better recognition.

Be An Image Maker

In this digital era, everyone loves to wander with their camera and click pictures. The cheap SLR available in the market, a bit knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and a good model can help in creating a great image. Before shooting the image you need to process it in your mind, you should be an image maker to become a successful fashion photographer. Don’t leave everything for post-processing. Create a masterpiece with your imagination. There is a huge difference between someone who takes an image and someone who creates an image, become the creator and not just the photographer.

These few little tips can help you make your dreams come true. If you want to know more such tips you can visit this amazing blog by a known fashion photographer praveenbhat. Also, let us know your views on this blog in the comment section below. Live your dream and fly high.